Reducing Sugar in Beverages: How Andromeda Can Be Everyone’s Cup of Tea

Reducing Sugar in Beverages: How Andromeda Can Be Everyone’s Cup of Tea

In an ever-evolving world of health-conscious consumers chasing zero-sugar and clean-label products, one particular shift in behavior has become clear. Globally, consumers have decided to stop drinking their sugar.

Innova reports 1 in 5 new products launching with sugar reduction claims come from the soft drink category. Since 2018, 14% of all beverage launches worldwide have had sugar reduction claims. At the same time, governments around the world are implementing sugar taxes in efforts to improve public health, with soft drinks as their main target.

Beverages: A Critical Market for Sugar Reduction

The global sugar market has seen significant price increases, with prices at a six-year high and a predicted 2% decline in global sugar production for the 2023-24 season. This means the industry is seeing a substantial gap between supply and demand, resulting in what some are calling “sugarflation.” For cost reasons alone, there is already significant pressure for beverage companies to seek out more cost-effective alternatives to sugar.

But the beverage industry is contending with more than just the surge in sugar prices. With studies showing that sweetened beverages are the leading source of excess sugar consumption, they have become a prime target for sugar reduction efforts. Some of these efforts are self-initiated by manufacturers, but increasingly more are being imposed by regulatory action.

Common Challenges to Sugar Reduction in Beverages

While the need for sugar reduction is clear, formulating beverages that meet these sugar-reduced expectations poses several challenges:

  • Taste: Traditional sugar provides a clean, sweet taste that is hard to replicate. Many sugar substitutes, whether natural like stevia or artificial like aspartame, can have undesirable aftertastes or lingering sweetness, especially at higher concentrations.
  • Mouthfeel: Sugar contributes significantly to the mouthfeel and body of beverages. Replacing sugar often results in a thinner, less satisfying texture.
  • Sweetness-Acidity Balance: Sugar balances the sweetness and acidity in beverages. Substitutes can disrupt this balance, leading to products that are either too sweet, too sour, or lacking in depth of flavor.
  • Consumer Acceptance: There are often skepticism or negative perceptions about certain sugar substitutes, whether due to taste, perceived health risks, or lack of natural credentials.

Although the public demand is undeniable, these challenges can be enough to deter some product manufacturers from fully embracing sugar reduction.

Stevia: The Natural Sweetener of Choice for Beverages

Stevia is growing in popularity for formulators and in acceptance for consumers. This is particularly the case in the beverage industry, where stevia can be found primarily in iced teas, carbonates, and fruit-flavored drinks.

Source: Innova

The hurdle for food & beverage manufacturers is oftentimes finding the “right” stevia solution for their formulas. Traditional stevia sweeteners, particularly those using Reb A glycosides, may come with a bitter aftertaste and lingering sweetness at high levels. Additionally, achieving the optimal sweetness-acidity balance can be difficult.

“When Reb A was first introduced, the industry hurried to market with stevia-based products without fully optimizing their taste profiles. High levels of Reb A, especially in low purity grades, led to bitterness, aftertaste, and other off-notes that some may still be associated with stevia,” says Tom Fuzer, HOWTIAN’s VP of Market Strategy.

Since that time, the quality and effectiveness of stevia-based sugar reduction solutions for beverages have come a long way. Better tasting glycosides have become more widely available, but the formulation science has also become more advanced with blending different stevias to optimize the taste profiles for different product applications. “HOWTIAN has leaned into developing stevia blends such as SoPure™ Andromeda to optimize for a variety of product categories including dairy and soft drinks,” notes Fuzer.

Solving the Challenges of Sugar Reduction in Beverages

With SoPure™ Andromeda, the objective was to develop next-generation stevia solutions that can be utilized for a wide range of beverage applications. By creating blends with a faster onset of sweetness, enhanced fresh fruit flavors, and the neutralization of bitterness and metallic off-notes, beverage manufacturers can now create products that meet consumer demand for reduced sugar without compromising on taste.

Testing shows that Andromeda delivers superior taste performance vs. conventional stevia sweeteners. The proprietary blends are comprised of natural stevia, an important bonus for those looking to maintain a clean label for their products. But perhaps most appealing to manufacturers will be the substantial cost savings that Andromeda yields compared to sugar.

Sample Formula: Iced Tea with 75% Sugar Reduction Using SoPure™ Andromeda

When compared to a formulation using Reb A 97, SoPure™ Andromeda significantly enhances the fresh lemon flavor and provides a fuller mouthfeel. It balances the sweetness and acidity of the iced tea, making the overall flavor more harmonious.

SoPure™ Andromeda Taste Performance vs. Reb A 97

Iced Tea with 75% Sugar Reduction – Formula Comparison

IngredientFull Sugar
(Sugar Reduction 75%)
SoPure™ Andromeda
(Sugar Reduction 75%)
Instant Dark Tea0.1500.1500.150
Citric Acid0.2000.2000.200
SoPure™ Andromeda0.024
Dark tea flavor0.0200.0200.020
Lemon flavor0.0020.0020.002

Sample Formula: Lemon-Lime Soda with 50% Sugar Reduction Using SoPure™ Andromeda

In this example of a carbonated beverage application, SoPure™ Andromeda achieved a fruitier, more balanced flavor than RA97 with a 50% reduced sugar lemon & lime soda.

SoPure™ Andromeda Taste Performance vs. Reb A 97

Lemon-Lime Carbonated Soda with 50% Sugar Reduction – Formula Comparison

IngredientFull Sugar
(Sugar Reduction 50%)
SoPure™ Andromeda
(Sugar Reduction 50%)
SoPure™ Andromeda0.017
Citric Acid0.3500.3500.350
Sodium Citric0.0400.04000.0400
Lemon & Lime Flavor0.0800.0800.080

Join the Sugar Reduction Movement in Beverages

As the global beverage market continues to shift towards healthier, lower-sugar options, it is imperative for beverage manufacturers to stay ahead of the curve. The demand for sugar reduction is not just a trend; it is a significant movement driven by health-conscious consumers, regulatory pressures, and economic factors.

Now is the time to embrace the trend of sugar reduction and future-proof your beverage product lineup for years to come. If you have any questions or need assistance with formulations, please reach out to our experts today and discover how HOWTIAN’s SoPure™ Andromeda can help you succeed in this today’s beverage landscape.

HOWTIAN Introduces SoPure Andromeda: Solving the Three-Body Problem of Sugar Reduction in Beverages

HOWTIAN Introduces SoPure Andromeda: Solving the Three-Body Problem of Sugar Reduction in Beverages

May 30, 2024 – With consumers increasingly demanding products that offer “healthy indulgence,” sugar reduction in today’s beverages is a common threefold challenge of achieving deep cuts in sugar content, replicating sugar’s delicious taste, plus all the while maintaining a clean “natural” product label. Today marks a new horizon for natural beverage sweeteners as HOWTIAN proudly introduces SoPure™ Andromeda. Andromeda, part of HOWTIAN’s industry-leading SoPure™ family of stevia products, is a range of proprietary stevia blends uniquely designed and optimized for a wide range of beverage applications.

“As a natural sweetening solution that offers superior taste performance and significant cost savings over sugar, HOWTIAN’s SoPure Andromeda unlocks new opportunities in sugar reduction for the beverage industry.”

Tom fuzer, vp of market strategy

Following an extensive study at HOWTIAN’s Shanghai Application Technology & Innovation Centre, Andromeda blends have demonstrated exceptional capabilities in enhancing a variety of beverages, far surpassing the performance of conventional Reb A stevia extracts. The unique blends of steviol glycosides have been meticulously formulated to deliver superior overall taste at a cost-effective price, even in beverage applications looking to achieve high levels of sugar reduction and replacement.

Industry efforts to increase the levels and accelerate the pace of sugar reduction in beverages come hardly as a surprise. A National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey found that sugar-sweetened beverages are the #1 source of excess sugar consumption globally. “This places the beverage category squarely as a target for sugar reduction initiatives and regulatory actions like sugar taxes. In addition, rapidly rising sugar prices paired with declining global production of sugar have pressured beverage manufacturers to seek more cost-effective sweetening solutions,” notes Fuzer.

In spite of this, there remain significant hurdles for many beverage companies when it comes to reformulating and sweetening their products with alternatives. Sugar provides a rich, unadulterated sweet taste, whereas sugar substitutes can sometimes produce a lingering, bitter aftertaste at higher concentrations. Beyond sweetness, other taste components of the beverage can also be affected, as well as the body, the smoothness and the overall mouthfeel. Many sugar replacements can lead to an imbalance between sweetness and acidity, or in some cases sourness, in the product.

To help overcome these challenges, SoPure™ Andromeda products have been tailored to deliver a sweetening solution for beverages that exceeds the taste and sensory performance of conventional stevia and other sugar alternatives:

  • Superior overall taste performance vs the most popular form of Reb A stevia in beverage applications
  • Faster onset of sweetness and minimized after-taste
  • Significantly enhanced fresh fruit flavour
  • Neutralized bitterness and metallic off-notes
  • 100% natural, plant-based, and clean label sugar alternative

SoPure™ Andromeda products are fully natural stevia-based sweetener blends, ideal for formulating clean label beverage products. According to Innova Market Insights, consumers around the world perceive stevia as the “most natural” sugar alternative by far, beating out alternatives including sucralose, aspartame, erythritol, allulose and more.

SoPure™ Andromeda addresses both crucial taste and cost concerns that beverage manufacturers face today. Andromeda provides up to 64% in cost savings on sweetener components compared to traditional sugar. This makes it not only a healthier choice but also an economically attractive one for beverage companies operating in an increasingly cost-conscious market.

With a global rise in health awareness, sugar taxes, and the high cost of sugar, this announcement from HOWTIAN arrives at a critical time to meet industry and consumer needs for superior, cost-effective sugar reduction. The company remains committed to partnering with manufacturing customers to develop ingredient solutions that help meet regulatory standards and consumer preferences without sacrificing quality or profitability.

Reformulating for a Healthier Future: Beverage Manufacturers Embrace Natural Sugar Reduction

Reformulating for a Healthier Future: Beverage Manufacturers Embrace Natural Sugar Reduction

Beverage companies find themselves having to evolve as consumer health concerns and regulations reshape the industry

Health, natural ingredients, and reduced sugar content are no longer niche trends, but instead they now represent mainstream demands. This has prompted a wave of innovation across the industry, with beverage manufacturers working to actively reformulate products and to meet these shifting expectations.

Brands Respond with New Product Development and Launches

Pepsi in the UK recently announced the launch of its limited-edition Electric Blue, a new citrus-flavored, zero-sugar blue cola. The product was designed to cater to younger consumers while tapping into the current popularity of fruit flavors and sugar reduction. Pepsi’s product development approach behind Electric Blue exemplifies the broader industry’s growth opportunities in today’s flavored cola market.

Pepsi set to super-charge soft drinks with bold Electric blue cola

Public Health and Regulatory Pressures

The impetus for this shift goes beyond consumer preferences. According to the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) in the US, sweetened beverages comprise the top dietary source of added sugars. For low-income and minority populations in particular, as much as 50% of excess calories are consumed from sugary drinks. Recognizing this, the World Health Organization advocates for global action to curb sugar-sweetened beverage consumption. Additionally, countries are implementing sugar taxes to regulate sugar intake.

As a result, the industry is accelerating its efforts to reduce sugar. According to Innova Market Insights, nearly 20% of global beverage launches between 2018 and 2023 boast sugar reduction claims. Juices, dairy alternatives, carbonates, and iced tea are the most active segments in this space.

Vita Lemon Tea’s Cautionary Tale

The case of Vita Lemon Tea in China highlights the challenges associated with reformulation. While the brand aimed to attract new consumers with a “head-to-toe” transformation, including new packaging and a zero-sugar, zero-fat, zero-calorie formula, the new formula received negative feedback from consumers attached to the traditional taste of a product they had known and loved for so long. For many of the brand’s consumers, they especially questioned why Vita Lemon Tea would replace its formula with one containing the use of artificial sweeteners.

Vita Lemon Tea’s new zero-sugar formula led to some of their fans questioning the use of artificial sweeteners

Consumers Demand Clean Labels and Natural Sweeteners

This story of Vita Lemon and others underscore the importance of natural ingredients alongside sugar reduction. Consumers are increasingly wary of artificial sweeteners, favoring plant-based alternatives like stevia. Innova’s Health & Nutrition Survey in 2023 confirms this trend, with stevia being the most accepted sugar substitute.

Source: Innova Health & Nutrition Survey 2023

Finding the Perfect Balance with Stevia

The rise of stevia reflects consumer preferences for healthy, natural, and flavorful beverages. Beverage launches utilizing stevia are increasing annually, with iced tea, carbonates, and fruit/flavored drinks leading the way.

While stevia holds promise, it’s not a one-size-fits-all solution. Tapping into the full range of glycosides as well as complementary sweeteners is essential. It’s why Tom Fuzer, Vice President of Market Strategy at HOWTIAN, emphasizes that the company’s “comprehensive range of natural sweetening solutions is essential in our being able to offer superior taste performance and significant cost savings over sugar.”.

The beverage industry is undergoing a significant transformation driven by consumer demand for healthier, natural, and lower-sugar options. Ingredient manufacturers are paving the way with innovative solutions, while beverage brands are actively reformulating products. Finding the right balance between sugar reduction, natural ingredients, and taste remains an ongoing challenge, but stevia is poised to be the natural sweetener of choice to meet these demands.

HOWTIAN Achieves Breakthrough in Environmental Sustainability with Stevia Life Cycle Assessment

HOWTIAN Achieves Breakthrough in Environmental Sustainability with Stevia Life Cycle Assessment

February 12, 2024 – In a significant milestone for its ongoing commitment to sustainability, HOWTIAN has completed a comprehensive Life Cycle Assessment of its key stevia product lines. The study was conducted by the renowned Switzerland-based Société Générale de Surveillance (SGS), the world’s leading inspection, verification, testing and certification company, and examined key measures of environmental impact including carbon and water footprint. By achieving results that are vastly superior than the performance of conventional sugar, the assessment demonstrates HOWTIAN’s commitment to be a leader of environmental sustainability among manufacturers of natural sweeteners.

In response to consumer demand in recent years, the Fast-Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) sector has made significant strides in adopting more stringent standards of sustainability, with impacts felt especially in the selection and sourcing process of ingredients for food & beverage products. Recognizing this trend, ingredient manufacturers – with the stevia sector being no exception – have been proactive in assessing their products’ environmental impact.

Tom Fuzer, VP of Market Strategy at HOWTIAN, states, “With the CO2 footprint of stevia typically less than a quarter than that of sugar, stevia producers have been eager to raise industry awareness that the popular plant-based sweetener is one of the most environmentally friendly solutions available.” To further advance these efforts for the industry, HOWTIAN undertook an extensive Life Cycle Assessment of its high purity Rebaudioside A 97 stevia — one of the most prevalent forms of extract sold by stevia producers.

The assessment revealed that HOWTIAN’s high purity Reb A outperforms traditional sugar in sustainability metrics while helping to establish and progress industry standards for key environmental performance indicators. For the basis of its analysis, SGS determined what the environmental footprint would be from producing and processing HOWTIAN’s Reb A 97 in order to generate the equivalent sweetness of 1 metric ton of white sugar. When these results were compared to like-for-like metrics for cane sugar, the study found that HOWTIAN achieved:

  • 78% reduction in CO2 emissions compared to cane sugar
  • 77% reduction in water usage
  • 94% reduction in agricultural land usage

“We are delighted with the outstanding results of our sustainability efforts. They are a testament to the success of our dedicated Sustainability Program, a program we started in 2017 to develop high-yielding plant variants and invest in energy and water-efficient extraction technologies. This only further strengthens our ambition to set and continuously improve the marketplace standard in sustainability for stevia and the broader sweetener industry.”

Tom fuzer, vp of market strategy

This historic achievement aligns with HOWTIAN’s global efforts to reduce environmental impact and showcases the company’s role in helping to lead these initiatives for food and beverage manufacturers everywhere.

Global Sugar Taxes: Tipping the Scales Towards Healthier Choices

Global Sugar Taxes: Tipping the Scales Towards Healthier Choices

News out of Colombia is shedding light on a sugar-reduction movement already in motion

The global landscape of food consumption is undergoing a significant shift with the introduction of sugar taxes in over 120 countries. These initiatives are primarily aimed at guiding consumers towards healthier lifestyle choices by reducing the intake of sugar-laden foods and beverages. Countries like Colombia and the United States have championed these taxes, which not only raise public awareness about sugar content but also contribute to improving public health.

Colombia’s Bold Step

In a recent development, the Colombian government announced the implementation of a 10% tax on sugary drinks and junk foods, effective November 1st, 2023. This tax will escalate to 15% in 2024 and 20% in 2025. The tax applies to products like: carbonated drinks, malt drinks, tea, coffee, fruit juices, energy drinks, sports drinks, and food items containing sodium, including sausages, candies, chocolate, pasta, cereals, bakery products, and sauces. The tax amount varies based on ingredient content, with different levels corresponding to different tax standards.

United States’ Sugar Tax Trend

Around 30 states in the United States have enacted laws to tax sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs). Berkeley, California, was the first city to impose such a tax in 2015, followed by several others, including San Francisco, Oakland, Colorado, Seattle, and Philadelphia.

Studies have shown that these taxes effectively reduce SSB consumption. Further research from the University of Illinois Chicago suggests that Seattle’s SSB tax, implemented in 2018, has successfully reduced sales from sugar-taxed beverages by 23%, highlighting the sustainability of such policies​​.

According to a Nielsen data comparison on the sugar tax in Philadelphia, a study reported:

“There is a significant dose–response relationship between the size of the tax and the amount of impact. A broad-based tax of 1 cent per ounce or more is associated with greater degrees of purchasing reduction in the beverage categories targeted by public health advocates, i.e., soft drinks and fruit drinks, while at the same time incentivizing the purchase of bottled water as a substitute.”

The study also found that the tax had few income-related effects detected – thus, validating that sugar taxes reduce the sugar consumption of the American people as a whole, rather than just those unable to afford the increased prices.

Beverage Industry’s Response

In anticipation of sugar taxes, beverage companies worldwide have been reformulating their products to reduce sugar content. This shift towards “sugar reduction” and “sugar-free” options is driven by the consensus that reducing sugar intake is synonymous with health — in addition to following the World Health Organization (WHO) recommendation that added sugar be less than 10% of daily total caloric intake, and additional health benefits may be attained if further reduced to 5%.

Natural Sweeteners’ Role

In the quest to reduce sugar, natural sweeteners and sugar substitutes have gained popularity. Coca-Cola, for example, launched its first beverage entirely sweetened with stevia in 2018. However, overcoming the inherent “post-bitterness” of stevia remains a challenge for manufacturers.

In addition, cost is a concern often raised when considering natural sweeteners. Despite the steadily improving and sometimes more favorable costs compared to sugar, natural sweeteners may be mistakenly perceived as an expensive, out-of-reach luxury.

Stevia Leading the Charge

Amidst the diverse market of natural sweeteners and sugar substitutes, stevia has emerged as a frontrunner in the movement towards healthier sweetening options. Other natural sweeteners like monk fruit extract and allulose have their share of the market as well, but stevia stands out in popularity due to its natural origin and perceived health benefits. Derived from the leaves of the stevia rebaudiana plant, stevia offers a zero-calorie sweetness that is up to 300 times sweeter than sugar. As such, it has been gaining traction among consumers seeking healthier lifestyles and among manufacturers looking for clean label ingredients.

Innovative companies have been pivotal in advancing stevia’s usage by overcoming challenges such as taste optimization and costs. For example, HOWTIAN has significantly improved the glycoside yield from natural stevia varieties, enhancing production processes and ensuring a stable supply of commercial stevia – all measures that have significantly reduced the cost of popular stevia extracts like Reb A over the years.

Its recent launch of the SoPure™ Galaxy line, a proprietary sweetener blend optimized for dairy products, exemplifies the industry’s commitment to creating cost-effective, high-quality, and tasteful sugar reduction solutions. This product line promises zero calories, no additives, high solubility, and a clean label, providing a taste experience as well as cost comparable to traditional sweeteners yet aligning with the global shift towards healthier and more sustainable diets.

Naturally Sweet Future Ahead

In the shifting landscape of global health awareness, sugar taxes have become a prevalent tool for policy makers around the world aiming to curb sugar consumption and encourage healthier choices. Their existence is not just widespread, but intensifying, signaling a clear direction towards greater ubiquity and stricter regulations.

This trend represents a profound alignment with evolving consumer demands and preferences. Today’s consumers are more informed and health-conscious, seeking products that offer both taste and nutritional benefit. By proactively embracing sugar alternatives and reformulation, companies are not just adhering to regulations but are also positioning themselves at the forefront of a consumer-driven shift.

For those who act swiftly and effectively in implementing sugar reduction initiatives, the future is indeed sweet. More forward-thinking manufacturers will be able to navigate the emerging landscape of health regulations while also appealing to shifting consumer tastes and purchase behaviors.

With sugar taxes here to stay, a successful approach to addressing such regulation isn’t so much about playing defense as it is about embracing this sweet revolution, and thriving in a future where health and taste go hand in hand.

[1] Colombia passes ambitious ‘junk food law’ to tackle lifestyle diseases (2023) The Guardian.
[2] Debras, C., Chazelas, E., Srour, B., Druesne-Pecollo, N., Esseddik, Y., Edelenyi, F. S. de, Agaësse, C., Sa, A. D., Lutchia, R., Gigandet, S., Huybrechts, I., Julia, C., Kesse-Guyot, E., Allès, B., Andreeva, V. A., Galan, P., Hercberg, S., Deschasaux-Tanguy, M., & Touvier, M. (n.d.). Artificial sweeteners and cancer risk: Results from the NutriNet-Santé population-based cohort study. PLOS Medicine.
[3] World Health Organization. (n.d.-a). Aspartame hazard and risk assessment results released. World Health Organization.

Join HOWTIAN at SupplySide West

Where Health & Nutrition Meets Food & Beverage Innovators

The HOWTIAN team is heading to Las Vegas, where in just one month, SupplySide West and Food Ingredients North America will be held together for a massive gathering of the top companies from the health & nutrition as well as food & beverage industries.

As we do every year, the HOWTIAN team will be all geared up to showcase our innovations in nutritional ingredient and sugar reduction solutions.

But this year will be an especially exciting #SSWExpo #FiNA, as we’ll be debuting two new functional ingredients — Glucuronolactone and D-Chiro-Inositol!

In past showcases, we’ve hosted tasting experiences of a wide variety of product demos such as cake pops, nougat candies, naturally sweetened beverages and more. Be sure to stop by HOWTIAN’s booth, 7111, and see what we’re cooking up next.

Where: Mandalay Bay, Las Vegas, NV

When: 25-26 October 2023

Booth: 7111

If you’d like to schedule a meeting in advance at SupplySide West, contact us here!

HOWTIAN Interview in Baking & Snack: The Rise of Natural Sweeteners

HOWTIAN Interview in Baking & Snack: The Rise of Natural Sweeteners

August 18, 2023 — In the newest issue of their magazine, the Baking & Snack editors interviewed HOWTIAN for insights and expertise on the rise of natural sweeteners in baked goods. Titled “A Natural Fit: Bakers Win Over Increasingly Health-Conscious Consumers With Natural Sweeteners,” the article looks at consumer demand for natural alternatives to sugar — and more so, the stigma that surrounds “artificial sugar substitutes” like aspartame, sucralose and saccharin.

In the article, our technical experts Hank Wang and Michelle Yin talk about all the different ways that natural sweeteners are taking off for baking, from the declining reputation of artificial sweeteners to our convenient “drop-in” sugar replacement solutions for baking. In working with a vast variety of baked goods manufacturing customers, it’s evident that the adoption of solutions like stevia for sugar reduction and reformulation is here to stay.

“Those who have engaged in sugar reduction efforts earlier than others recognize this not just as a shift in consumer tastes, but as an emerging business and marketplace opportunity,” stated Yin.

Leveraging our experience and track record of success, HOWTIAN provided insight on expert formulation techniques with stevia in the baking sector to combat challenges like early-onset sweetness, bulking and moisture retention.

“For example, stevia has a more delayed onset of sweetness compared to sugar, so you may consider complementing it with an alternative like allulose or erythritol which exhibits an earlier onset of sweetness,” Wang noted.

To read the full story in Baking & Snack‘s August issue, click here.

If you’re in need of a partner and solutions for reformulating baked good products and applications, HOWTIAN experts are available to help meet your challenges. We can assist in developing a customized strategy for your product(s) with cost-effective solutions and sustainable supply. Please contact us to learn more.

HOWTIAN Interview in FoodNavigator and ConfectioneryNews: Hail Stevia!

HOWTIAN Interview in FoodNavigator and ConfectioneryNews: Hail Stevia!

July 31, 2023 — HOWTIAN recently interviewed with the editors of FoodNavigator and ConfectioneryNews for their new “Sugar Reduction Special” series. The cross-outlet story from the sister publications is titled “Hail Stevia! The natural sweetener could be the perfect solution to ‘Sugarflation’ as well as a healthier option.” The article goes in depth on how stevia, at a time when global sugar prices are rapidly on the rise, is becoming a cost-effective solution for food & beverage manufacturers, in addition to its natural sugar reduction benefits.

The editors spoke with Technical Director Hank Wang about HOWTIAN’s recent announcement of a significant price-reduction for its popular SoPure™ Stevia Reb A 97.

“Prices for Reb A have come down this year. Higher sugar prices along with lower stevia prices is a great enticement for CPG’s to partially replace sugar with Reb A. For example in many beverages, it is fairly easy to replace about 50% of sugar with Reb A and save a significant amount of the sugar spend without affecting quality.”

Wang’s formulation expertise on stevia and other natural sweeteners for confectionery applications is also featured throughout the article.

With soaring sugar costs remaining top of mind for many in the industry, the article was sure to gain interest and quickly made its way to the “front page” of both publications’ digital platforms. This included the lead homepage story for ConfectioneryNews in addition to topping the ranks of the “Most Popular” stories for FoodNavigator.

To read the full story at ConfectioneryNews, visit here. Or to see the article at FoodNavigator, click here.

HOWTIAN at Fi South America 2023 in São Paulo

HOWTIAN at Fi South America 2023 in São Paulo

HOWTIAN will be joining the festivities for this year’s Food Ingredients South America (FISA), one of the largest gatherings of food, beverage and nutraceutical ingredients companies in the Latin America market. With over 27 years of events, FiSA offers a place for food ingredient suppliers to showcase innovative solutions for food manufacturers looking to appeal to an increasingly health-conscious consumer base.

A few highlights for this year’s upcoming event:

  • 10,000+ visitors
  • 100+ delegates
  • 700+ brands
  • 52 countries

Please make sure you visit us by Booth D75 to see the HOWTIAN exhibit, including demos and applications of our products in the fields of natural sugar reduction and functional nutrition. On special display will be the launch of our new SoPure™ Galaxy-Series, a next-generation stevia product that is designed and optimized for dairy applications.

Dates: 8-10 August 2023

Location: São Paulo, Brazil

Booth: D75

We’re looking forward to seeing you in São Paulo, Brazil!

HOWTIAN Introduces SoPure™ Galaxy – The Next-Generation Stevia for Dairy Applications

HOWTIAN Introduces SoPure™ Galaxy – The Next-Generation Stevia for Dairy Applications

July 6, 2023 – HOWTIAN reaffirms its commitment to providing cutting-edge solutions that meet evolving consumer preferences, elevate taste experiences, and contribute to the development of healthier products with a next-generation stevia product set to transform sugar reduction in the dairy sector.

HOWTIAN, the world’s #1 manufacturer of natural stevia, is proud to unveil its SoPure™ Galaxy-Series, a groundbreaking stevia product range specifically formulated to enhance dairy applications and meet growing consumer demand for healthier and more natural dairy products.

According to the Food & Agriculture Organization of the UN, the global dairy market boasts an extensive consumer base, with over 6 billion of the world’s population consuming dairy products on a daily basis. As consumer preferences shift towards healthier options — with “naturalness” as the #1 claim consumers expect in their dairy products according to a 2023 Innova Market Insights Survey — the reduction of sugar in dairy products has become a significant focus for the industry.

In response to this demand, dairy product manufacturers worldwide have been developing reduced-sugar yogurts, milky beverages, and other products to cater to evolving, health-conscious consumers — with “no added sugar,” “sugar-free,” and “low sugar” claims accounting for 10-11% of all dairy innovations.

As a result, more than one third of dairy products globally have chosen to use stevia over the past 5 years. Stevia has emerged as an ideal sugar substitute for dairy products due to its plant-based origin and associated health benefits.

Not all stevia is created equally, however. HOWTIAN witnessed the early challenges when adopting this natural solution for the dairy industry; after all, not all stevia varieties deliver optimal results in every application. To address these challenges, HOWTIAN’s Innovation and Science Centre, in collaboration with our dairy-industry experts and partners, embarked on a mission to develop an affordable and adaptable stevia product line specifically tailored for dairy applications.

We are proud to announce the launch of our new SoPure™ Galaxy-Series. Its namesake “Galaxy” derives from the Greek word for “Milky Way” and reflects the company’s ambition to lead dairy manufacturers into the future of natural sugar alternatives.

“The SoPure™ Galaxy-Series products offer an exceptional sensory profile in dairy, closely resembling the sweetness of full-sugar benchmarks, while also reducing development time and delivering up to 45% cost savings on the sweetener compound.”

Tom Fuzer, VP of Market Strategy at HOWTIAN

For manufacturers of dairy products the SoPure™ Galaxy-Series delivers:

  • Virtually identical sweetness profile to full sugar in yogurts
  • Enhanced milky notes & prolonged fruity flavors
  • Rich, creamy mouthfeel when combined with bulking agents
  • Clean label with zero calories

The SoPure™ Galaxy-Series has superior sensorial performance compared to high purity Reb A — at less than half the cost of Reb M — which is attributed to its incredible and consistent solubility. We look forward to partnering with the industry across all global markets, and to what we believe will be SoPure Galaxy’s transformative impact on sugar reduction for dairy products.