Exhibition Dates: 15-17 March 2023
Exhibition Location: National Exhibition and Convention Center, Shanghai
Booth No. 21F40
Hall No. 2.1
Food Ingredients China (FIC) is Asia’s largest event in the food additives and ingredients industry, with 1,500+ exhibitors and over 50,000 attendees. The three-day exhibition offers conferences and technical seminars with some of the most authoritative food science and technology leaders in the industry.
Stop by booth no. 21F40 at #FIC this year to meet the HOWTIAN team. You can experience HOWTIAN’s latest sugar reduction solutions with stevia, as well as learn more about our portfolio of functional ingredients including baicalin, inositol, and pyrroloquinoline quinone (PQQ).
Like all HOWTIAN exhibitions, we’ll have plenty of products to demonstrate and a variety of tasty sampling to try, so be sure to visit our booth and meet with our technical experts.